I miss my days in ITE.
The most memorable one was thrashing other classes in captain's ball.
ICO was da'bombb!
I had short hair.
Mohawk, spike, mangkok.
You name it.
Well back then they called me 'Nobita'.
I wonder who's using my Doraemon pillow in the SC room now.
Or does it even still exist?
things change.
Sad but true.
Not that Im unhappy now.
But the past has taught me,
Of those whom I hurt.
I know I was a dissapointment.
Perhaps I still am.
Im not born perfect,
and I dont live to be.
My goal in life is to pursue as an Early Childhood Educator.
What about Love?
I guess I've done too much harm.
Well I did.
And I blame no one else but myself.
I've locked the door,
and threw the key into the sea.